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0trigonometric functions

[段落1 N1]

1when you first study math about 1234


2first study equation about xyzt


3It will help you to think in a logical way


4When you sing sine,cosine,cosine,tangent






7Let's sing a song about trig-functions


[段落2 N2]

8sin(2π+α) = sinα

~sin(2π+α) = sinα

9cos(2π+α) = cosα

~cos(2π+α) = cosα

10tan(2π+α) = tanα

~tan(2π+α) = tanα

11which is induction formula1,and induction formula 2


12sin(π+α) = -sinα

~sin(π+α) = -sinα

13cos(π+α) = -cosα

~cos(π+α) = -cosα

14tan(π+α) = tanα

~tan(π+α) = tanα

15sin(π-α) = sinα

~sin(π-α) = sinα

16cos(π-α) = -cosα

~cos(π-α) = -cosα

17tan(π-α) = -tanα

~tan(π-α) = -tanα

18These are all those "name donot -change"


[段落3 N3]

19As pi goes to half pi the difference shall be huge


20sin(π/2+α) = cosα

~sin(π/2+α) = cosα

21cos(π/2-α) = sinα

~cos(π/2-α) = sinα

22sin(π/2-α) = cosα

~sin(π/2-α) = cosα

23cos(π/2+α) = -sinα

~cos(π/2+α) = -sinα

24tan(π/2+α) = -cotα

~tan(π/2+α) = -cotα

25tan(π/2-α) = cotα

~tan(π/2-α) = cotα

[段落4 N4]

26That is to say the odds will change, evens are conserved

~这就是说 :奇变偶不变

27The notations that they get depend on where they are


28But no matter where you are, I've gotta say that


29If you were my sine curve,I'd be your cosine curve


30I'll be your derivative,you'll be my negtive one


31As you change you amplitude,I change my phase


32We can oscillate freely in the external space


33As we change our period and costant at hand


34We travel from the origin to infinity


[段落5 N5]

35It's you sine,and you cosine


36Who make charming music around the world


37It's you tangent,cotangent


38Who proclaim the true meaning of centrosymmetry


[间奏 --]

39- - - - - - -

[段落6 N6]

40You wanna measure width of a river,height of a tower


41You scratch your head which cost you more than an hour


42You don't need to ask any "gods" or "master" for help


43This group of formulas are gonna help you solve


44sin(α+β) = sinα•cosβ + cosα•sinβ

~sin(α+β) = sinα•cosβ + cosα•sinβ

45cos(α+β) = cosα•cosβ - sinα•sinβ

~cos(α+β) = cosα•cosβ - sinα•sinβ

46tan(α+β) = (tanα + tanβ) / (1 - tanα•tanβ)

~tan(α+β) = (tanα + tanβ) / (1 - tanα•tanβ)

47sin(α-β) = sinα•cosβ - cosα•sinβ

~sin(α-β) = sinα•cosβ - cosα•sinβ

48cos(α-β) = cosα•cosβ + sinα•sinβ

~cos(α-β) = cosα•cosβ + sinα•sinβ

49tan(α-β) = (tanα - tanβ) / (1 + tanα•tanβ)

~tan(α-β) = (tanα - tanβ)/(1 + tanα•tanβ)

50As you come across a right triangle you fell easy to sovle


51But an obtuse triange's gonna make you feel confused


52Don't worry about what you do


53There are always means to solve


54As long as you master the sine cosine law


[段落7 N7]

55At this momnet I've got nothing to say


56As trig-functions rain down upon me


57At this moment I've got nothing to say


58Let's sing a song about trig-functions


59Long live the trigonometric functions
