





    The New Lemon_JudgeHacker
    freopen version.
    Does not support Non-ASCII problem titles.
    The program itself will take some time, so don't use this \
    program for problems that has almost-zero time or memory limits.
using namespace std;

struct Verdict{
    // Judgement Verdict. See below.
    long long ver;
    // Stuff to write to output file (Ignored if VERDICT_AC)
    string txt;
    // Stuff to write to stderr (Always has effect)
    string msg;
    Verdict() {ver=0;}
    Verdict(long long v) {ver=v;txt="";msg="";}
    Verdict(long long v,string s,string s2) {ver=v;txt=s;msg=s2;}
#define VERDICT_AC 0
#define VERDICT_WA 1
#define VERDICT_TLE 2
#define VERDICT_MLE 3
#define VERDICT_OLE 4
#define VERDICT_RE 5
#define VERDICT_USETIME 1000

////// Attention! You need to modify these settings! //////

    // Stringbuf length
    const int BUF_LEN = 1024;

    // Read length per time (32768 is recommended)
    // * Does not affect correctness unless it's too large or set to 0
    const int READ_LEN = 32768;

    // Problem title
    string PROBLEM = "hello";

    // Input and output files
    // * Replace arguments are: problem title.
    string INF = "${1}.in";
    string OUF = "${1}.out";

    // Input data extension name
    string inext = "in";

    // Judge the verdict by the input file
    Verdict adjustVerdict(string InputFilename) {
        return Verdict(VERDICT_AC,"","");
        // ----- Following program gives out execution time of O(n log n) -----
        // * The size of testdata in this case is the first int of the input file.
        // ifstream fin(InputFilename.c_str());
        // int sz;
        // fin>>sz;
        // return Verdict(VERDICT_USETIME + (long long)log2(sz) * sz * 35);

    // Error messages
    string E_NO_CONTEST = "Contest could not be found.";
    string E_NO_DATA_DIR = "The data directory could not be found.";
    string E_NO_PROB_DIR = "The problem directory could not be found.";
    string E_FILE_MATCH_FAIL = "The input does not match any input file.";
    string E_ANS_NOT_FOUNT = "Cannot find answer file.";
    string E_SUCCESS = "The program exited normally.";


// The safe find_last_of function.
// If the char does not exist, then it will return -1;
int findLast(string s,char c) {
    int ret = s.find_last_of(c);
    if(ret < 0 || ret >= (int)s.size()) return -1;
    return ret;

// Get the basename of a path.
//   example: 'C:/test/iakioi.cpp' -> 'iakioi'
//   This is used to determine the problem title.
string getBaseName(string path) {
    int idx1 = max(findLast(path,'/'),findLast(path,'\\'));
    if(idx1 >= 0) {
        path = path.substr(idx1+1);
    idx1 = findLast(path,'.');
    if(idx1 >= 0) {
        path = path.substr(0,idx1);
    return path;

// Replaces part of string
// Note that destnation cannot contain original one.
string str_replace(string f,string t,string s) {
    while(1) {
        unsigned idx = s.find(f);
        if(idx >= s.length()) break;
        s = s.replace(idx,f.length(),t);
    return s;

// Test if there is such file or directory
bool file_exists(string f) {
    if(!access(f.c_str(),0)) return true;
    return false;

// List all files/folders in a folder.
vector<string> listFolder(string folder) {
    vector<string> v;
    struct dirent *ent = NULL;
    DIR *dir = opendir(folder.c_str());
    if (dir != NULL) {
        while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
            if (strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(ent->d_name, "..") != 0) {
                v[v.size()-1] = ent->d_name;
        return v;
    } else {
        return v;

// Test string suffix
bool test_suffix(string a,string b) {
    if(a.length() < b.length()) return false;
    return a.substr(a.length()-b.length()) == b;

// String buf
char buf[BUF_LEN];

// File compare string buf
char buf1[READ_LEN+2];
char buf2[READ_LEN+2];

// Shared data
string contest_dir;
string rdata_dir;
string data_dir;
vector<string> datafiles;

// Match file content
bool matchContent(string F1,string F2) {
    FILE *f1 = fopen(F1.c_str(),"r");
    FILE *f2 = fopen(F2.c_str(),"r");

    if(!f1) return false;
    if(!f2) return false;

    while(1) {
        if(feof(f1) && feof(f2)) return true;
        else if(feof(f1) || feof(f2)) return false;

        int sz1 = fread(buf1,1,READ_LEN,f1);
        int sz2 = fread(buf2,1,READ_LEN,f2);

        if(sz1 != sz2) return false;

        for(register int i=0;i<sz1;i++) {
            if(buf1[i] != buf2[i]) return false;

// Steal and print
void stealPrintVerdict(string dst,string src,Verdict v = 0) {
    FILE *f2 = fopen(dst.c_str(),"w");
    FILE *f1 = NULL;
    switch(v.ver) {
    case VERDICT_AC:
        f1 = fopen(src.c_str(),"r");

        while(!feof(f1)) {
            int sz = fread(buf1,1,READ_LEN,f1);
    case VERDICT_WA:
    case VERDICT_TLE:
    case VERDICT_MLE:
        while(1) {
            vector<int> *ptr = new vector<int>();
    case VERDICT_OLE:
        while(1) fprintf(f2,"%s",v.txt.c_str());
    case VERDICT_RE:
        if(v.ver < VERDICT_USETIME) break;
        long long t = v.ver - VERDICT_USETIME;
        for(long long i=1;i<=t;i++);
        f1 = fopen(src.c_str(),"r");

        while(!feof(f1)) {
            int sz = fread(buf1,1,READ_LEN,f1);

// Main progress
int main() {
    // Replace input and output files.
    INF = str_replace("${1}",PROBLEM,INF);
    OUF = str_replace("${1}",PROBLEM,OUF);

    // Get contest directory.
    // Cannot use __FILE__ because the new Lemon hacks it.
    contest_dir = string(buf) + "/../../";

    // Test if contest directory exists
    if(!file_exists(contest_dir)) {
        return 27900;
    rdata_dir = contest_dir + "data/";

    // Test if data directory exists
    if(!file_exists(rdata_dir)) {
        return 27901;
    data_dir = rdata_dir + PROBLEM + "/";

    // Test if problem exists
    if(!file_exists(data_dir)) {
        return 27902;

    // List testnodes
    datafiles = listFolder(data_dir);

    // Get testnodes
    bool flag = 0;
    for(unsigned i=0;i<datafiles.size();i++) {
        string fname = datafiles[i];
        string fpath = data_dir + fname;

        // This is not input file
        if(!test_suffix(fname,string(".") + inext)) continue;

        // Test if match
        if(matchContent(INF,fpath)) {
            string bname = getBaseName(fname);
            flag = 1;
            // Match the answer file
            for(unsigned j=0;j<datafiles.size();j++) {
                string ffname = datafiles[j];
                string ffpath = data_dir + datafiles[j];
                string fbname = getBaseName(ffname);

                if(test_suffix(ffname,string(".") + inext) || fbname != bname) continue;

                return 0;

    if(!flag) cerr<<E_FILE_MATCH_FAIL;
    else cerr<<E_ANS_NOT_FOUNT;
    return 27903;


  1. 题目有较为充裕的时间和空间(空间8MB即可,时间一般需要500ms)
  2. 知道对于这个题目,需要提交的文件名(即,题目名称,如hello, reverse等)
  3. 题目要求使用文件输入输出的方式进行输入输出
  4. 题目对读入没有非常严格的卡常
  5. 如果题目是Special Judge,那么数据包中的答案文件必须是满分的
  6. 知道数据包中输入文件的唯一扩展名(一般是in


////// Attention! You need to modify these settings! //////

    // Stringbuf length
    // ** 对于文件夹名称的缓存大小。这个大小必须大于存储测试数据的文件夹路径长度。
    const int BUF_LEN = 1024;

    // Read length per time (32768 is recommended)
    // * Does not affect correctness unless it's too large or set to 0
    // ** 单次读入缓存大小。除非太大导致内存超出或设置为0,不会影响正确性
    const int READ_LEN = 32768;

    // Problem title
    // ** 题目名称
    string PROBLEM = "hello";

    // Input and output files
    // * Replace arguments are: problem title.
    // ** 题目要求的输入文件和输出文件名。使用${1}来代替题目名称。
    string INF = "${1}.in";
    string OUF = "${1}.out";

    // Input data extension name
    // ** 输入数据使用的唯一扩展名
    string inext = "in";

    // Judge the verdict by the input file
    // ** 传入输入文件的文件路径,给出评测状态(或合理的运行时间)。详见下面注释掉的代码
    Verdict adjustVerdict(string InputFilename) {
        // ** 给出AC状态
        return Verdict(VERDICT_AC,"","");
        // ----- Following program gives out execution time of O(n log n) -----
        // * The size of testdata in this case is the first int of the input file.
        // ** 下面的程序将会使自动AC机的运行时间为一个合理的,O(n log n)的程序应当运行的时间。
        // ** 我们在此假设,输入数据开头出现的整数是数据大小n
        // ifstream fin(InputFilename.c_str());
        // int sz;
        // fin>>sz;
        // return Verdict(VERDICT_USETIME + (long long)log2(sz) * sz * 35);

    // Error messages
    // ** 错误信息,供调试使用。实际使用时建议全部设置为空字符串。
    string E_NO_CONTEST = "Contest could not be found.";
    string E_NO_DATA_DIR = "The data directory could not be found.";
    string E_NO_PROB_DIR = "The problem directory could not be found.";
    string E_FILE_MATCH_FAIL = "The input does not match any input file.";
    string E_ANS_NOT_FOUNT = "Cannot find answer file.";
    string E_SUCCESS = "The program exited normally.";



